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18 year
Nationality Egypt
Egypt | Asyut
Register Before 7 hours ( 03/03/2025 )
Last login Before 7 hours ( 03/03/2025 )
I want my partner to be
يكون كويس وطموح ومهتم بنفسو ودايما بيطور من نفسو وعارف ربنا مش ومش بتاع بنات وبيفهم ف الأصول يكون راجل بجد وعارف يعني ايه ست
More information about Sara-2007
انا ساره عندي ١٨ سنه لسا بدرس ف ثانويه عامه طيبه وبفهم ف الاصول وعارفه الحرام من الحلال مهتمه بنفسي جدا ومتدينه بس مش متشدده اوي ، طموحه جدا ودايما نفسي ابقا حاجه مؤثره ف المجتمع ودايما بسعى اني اعمل بيزنس من انا وصغيره ونفسي اتجوز عشان اعف نفسي من الفتن
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Personal Info
Length / Weight 166 cm / 60 Kg
Hair type Normal
Hair color Light brown
Eye color Black
Skin color Corny
Health status Good health
Religion Care too much
Commitment to prayer Commitment
Hijab-The veil Not veiled ( Not use Hijab)
Smoking Non-smoker
Listening to songs Yes Listen
Study and work
Educational qualification University
Work field Not working
Financial status Medium
Annual income Less than $ 8000
Marital status
Accepted type of marriage Only one
Marital status Miss
Current number of kids None
Desire to have children? Yes

/ 30

I want marriage Normal
mrim nor-1993
/ 31

I want marriage Normal , Mesyar , Polygamy
Oussama kherdal
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I want marriage Normal
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I want marriage Normal , Mesyar
alaSl oaltqa
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nor alhda -1978
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smaH anor Sabr Abd
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I want marriage Normal
faTmh ghrib
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I want marriage Normal , Mesyar , Polygamy
Noha Radwan
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ana mi
/ 47

I want marriage Normal
shhd aHmd aboaldhb
/ 39

I want marriage Normal
mdahm bik
/ 24

I want marriage Normal
mrim iosf32
/ 31

I want marriage Normal
oAd mHmd-1994
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I want marriage Normal
Soso Soso-2000
/ 25

I want marriage Normal , Polygamy
norhan tamin Ala
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I want marriage Normal
Habiba 2006
/ 18

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I want marriage Normal
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I want marriage Normal , Mesyar , Polygamy
riham 2005
/ 19

I want marriage Normal
Sl Ali alrsol
/ 37

I want marriage Normal , Polygamy
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I want marriage Normal
mi AbdalAziz
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I want marriage Normal
Tulip rose
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I want marriage Normal
its me-1985
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I want marriage Normal
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I want marriage Normal
Only serious ppl
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I want marriage Normal
fraolh bldi mo
/ 30

I want marriage Normal , Mesyar , Polygamy
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I want marriage Normal
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I want marriage Normal , Polygamy
soso saso
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I want marriage Normal
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I want marriage Normal
Lama lama-40
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I want marriage Normal
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I want marriage Normal
doody doody
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I want marriage Normal , Mesyar , Polygamy
moka2000 mSr
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I want marriage Normal , Mesyar , Polygamy